Link: Attendance Tracker
Who: The teaching assistant tracks attendance
When: Every regular class (usually 20 minutes into the session)
Access: Credentials are pinned in your teaching teams' Slack channel
We ask learners to join at least 80% of the sessions to obtain a certificate. We believe students can only learn if they attend. That's why attendance tracking is essential. ReDI follows up regularly with students with low attendance to offer support.
100% – Present: Arrive on time, actively participate, and keep the camera on.
50% – Excused: Notify in advance if unable to attend
50% – Late: Arrival more than 15 minutes late
50% – Early Leave: Leaving before the break
0% – Absent: No prior communication of absence
Students will only be marked as "present", if they join the class with their camera on.
If a student should experience internet connection problems during the class, they should either write it in the chat or unmute themselves to inform teachers and fellow students. If this is not possible, students should inform the class through a message in their students slack channel.
Zoom? It is our video conferencing tool for the classes.
Zoom Link: You find it pinned in Slack. The Zoom link is the same for the whole semester.
Use the App: Install the Zoom app for all functionality.
Recordings: We record the session. More: Recordings
Claim Host: Credentials are pinned in Slack. How to Join Zoom & Claim Host
Join early? The Zoom call opens 45 min ahead of time. Feel free to join early.
Find the link to the class meeting either in your calendar invite for the session or pinned in the teachers slack channel. Join with one click
Go to the participants list and “Claim host”. Sign in with the host key to become the host. You can find the host key (a series of 6 numbers) pinned in the teacher Slack channel.
Please make your co-teachers for the sessions co-hosts by right-clicking on their name from the participants list.
Please do not forget to record the class. We record only Input and Q&A Sessions.
Recordings automatically save into a drive students have access to as viewers. This Drive is pinned to the students slack channel. Recordings are available for whole semester. Break out rooms cannot be recorded.
When starting the meeting, audio is off, your video is off and recording is off.
Hosts are allowed to add co-hosts.
Possibility to send files via meeting chat.
Link: The link to your Course Sheet is pinned in Slack.
Course Management: We use the Course Sheet to organize the course.
Availability & Ownership: Volunteers assign themselves to the session. They show when they are available to teach.
Feedback: The coursesheet has a feedback tab where we collect feedback about the session.
Mark it in the Course Sheet so that others can see it!
Link: Google Classroom
Purpose: We use Google Classroom as our learning platform. We use it for two functions: Sharing material with the students and assigning homework. You can also use it to create material.
Google Drive: Your Google Classroom is connected to a Google Drive where material is stored.
Calendar: Students are invited to the sessions through the calendar from the classroom
Go to Classwork. Go to Create. Select material to upload material, which is shared with the students. Select Topic to create a new section that can hold multiple materials.
Draft function: drafts are only visible to teachers - not to the students (yet). You can already work on material before sharing it with students. In order to share it, you publish the material.
Go to Google Classroom, click on classwork and create, select Assignment.
Give title, instructions and set the due date to the next session on Monday 7 pm
Follow these instructions to create homework: Homework Guidelines
Go to the Grades section. You find all the students; you can see who turned in the homework. Once you click on it, you can review their work, write a comment, and return it.
You should have received an email invitation from ReDI. Please check your emails and spam folder. Otherwise, please get in touch with the ReDI team via Slack.