Getting Started
Are you new to this course: Course Overview
Start your Onboarding: Get Started
course management
share material & project review
Zoom link for the sessions
Track student attendance
slides and teaching files
knowledge base for students
Leads small group sessions, providing feedback on student milestone presentations
Leads regular classes, introduces new concepts and project milestones
Manages Zoom logistics and supports students during classes
Provides emergency coverage when regular teachers are unavailable
Leads practice sessions, helping students apply concepts through exercises
Monday 19:00-21:00
Practice exercises and Q&A for concepts and projects
Wednesday 19:00-21:00
Students present milestone progress in small groups
Thursday 19:00-21:00
New concepts introduced with theory and practice
Find out more about ReDI: About ReDI
Find out about the career services ReDI offers: Career Services
Check out: I can't teach tonight, I am dropping out, I feel uncomfortable.
Reach out to Sevval, your Course Manager, for help via Slack.
❤️ Thank you for supporting the ReDI students ❤️
Welcome to our teaching team! We're excited to have you join us in supporting ReDI students on their journey in tech. The UX/UI Bootcamp is an 18-week journey where students build realistic projects while learning modern web development skills.
As a teacher, your first step is to complete the self-onboarding process:
Explore the Course Overview to learn more about the course
Check out the Timeline
Review and get onboarded in the Essential Tools
Check out the Content Introduction
Complete your onboarding in Complete your Self-Onboarding
This hub contains everything you need to start and support your teaching journey. If you have any questions along the way, don't hesitate to contact our team on Slack.
Ready to begin? Head over to the Course Overview section!
Welcome to ReDI School! We really appreciate that you are part of our community. In this page, you'll find an overview of the course. By volunteering, you contribute to our main goal: help our students gain the necessary skills to find a job in tech. ReDI School has now helped over 17.000 people advance their tech skills. This is only possible with the support of our volunteers <3
Our student community brings together people from over 138 countries. Your course won't be different. Your students will come from a wide range of countries. They also come from diverse professional backgrounds - some are currently unemployed or underemployed, while others are students looking to prepare for their careers. With an average age of 32, many of our students hold a university degree and have several years of work experience. What unites all students is their passion for technology and their aim to build a career in the tech industry.
❤️ Thank you for supporting our students as they take another step in their journey! To learn more about ReDI students and our community, visit About ReDI School.
The UX/UI Bootcamp is an 18-week intensive program that combines 14 weeks of technical training with a 4-week career project. Each cohort consists of 25 students who progress through the program together, meeting three times per week in the evenings (Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 19:00-21:00). The program follows a project-based learning approach where students work through three main projects: User Research & Design Thinking, Mobile App Design using Figma, and a web application prototype. Each project spans four weeks and includes weekly milestones and a recap week for review.
The weekly schedule includes three distinct session types: Monday's Practice Session for exercises and Q&A, Wednesday's Coaching Session where students present their progress in small groups, and Thursday's Regular Class introducing new concepts. The teaching team consists of various roles including Session Owners who lead regular classes, Coaches who guide small groups, and Practice Session Owners who run exercise sessions. Volunteers typically commit to one role for the entire semester, investing 3-4 hours per week in direct teaching plus preparation time.
While the program is primarily conducted online via Zoom, it maintains a hybrid format with four on-site community events throughout the semester. The bootcamp is available in three locations (Berlin, NRW, and Hamburg), with local events specific to each city. Students are expected to dedicate approximately 14 hours per week to self-study in addition to attending the scheduled sessions.
Monday 19:00 - 21:00
This is a practice and Q&A session. Students can ask questions about the newly learned concepts and get support when they are stuck on the project. Furthermore, we have run exercises to practice the content.
Session Owner, Session Assist
Wednesday 19:00 - 21:00
Learners present their solutions to the weekly milestones in small groups (breakout rooms). Coaches give feedback and help the students advance.
4-5 Coaches
Thursday 19:00 - 21:00
This regular class is taught in pairs, with one person assigned as a session owner (the lecturer) and one as a teaching assistant. The class introduces the students to the new topic of the week through theory and practice.
Session Owner, Session Assist
A coach supports 4-5 students in weekly coaching sessions, providing feedback on project milestones and helping students progress. During these 2-hour sessions, students present their work and receive personalized guidance in small groups.
4 hours per week
A session owner leads the weekly regular class, introducing new concepts and guiding students through exercises using prepared materials. They have the flexibility to adapt the teaching materials to their style while ensuring all key concepts are covered.
4 hours per week
A session assistant manages the technical aspects of online classes, including Zoom setup, attendance tracking, and breakout room management. They also support students during exercises and help answer questions in the chat.
3 hours per week
A backup teacher stands ready to cover any role if a scheduled teacher is unable to attend. They don't need to attend sessions unless called upon, but should be familiar with the course content and different teaching roles.
2 hours per week
A practice session owner leads weekly sessions focused on practicing concepts from the previous class through hands-on exercises. They guide students through practice activities and answer questions about both concepts and project milestones.
4 hours per week
We are organizing on-site activities in our three main locations. Find out more below.
We invite you to four on-site community events throughout the semester if you are located in Berlin and the surrounding. The Onboarding will also take place in person in Berlin. You are more than welcome to join!
We invite you to four on-site community events throughout the semester if you are located in Berlin and surrounding. The Onboarding and Demo Day will also take place in person in Düsseldorf. You are more than welcome to join!
Four in-person sessions are taking place in Hamburg: Onboarding, two regular course sessions, and Demo Day. If you are based in Hamburg, it would be fantastic if you could support the course in one or more of these sessions.
We hope that by reading this, you have a better idea of the course and what it means to volunteer at ReDI. Let's explore the Timeline now 📅.
Let's go to the next section and dive into the tools: Essential Tools.
Thank you very much for going through your Self-Onboarding! This ensures a smooth onboarding into your volunteer experience. Please complete the following typeform to finish the self-onboarding. If you face any problems, you can indicate them in the typeform.
That's it! Thanks for completing your self-onboarding. Feel free to browse around the teacher hub. See you soon!
Here's an overview of the key tools we use for teaching and communication. Please set up these tools now to ensure effective collaboration with your team and students.
This is our main communication tool, both with teachers and with the students. You'll have access by default to your teaching team channel and the students' channel. Additionally, you can join our community channels in Berlin, NRW, and Hamburg to learn about local events. Please check Slack regularly during the semester and communicate with your teaching team via Slack if you cannot make it to class.
We use Google Calendar to send semester meeting appointments to teachers and students.
Our online sessions are running on Zoom. We highly recommend installing and updating the Zoom app on your device, as the online version doesn't cover all functionalities. Please note: The class Zoom link is the same for the entire semester.
We use Google Classroom to share material with the students and to collect and give feedback to projects and homework.
We use Figma for all practical activities. Join ReDI's Figma space to gain access to all templates and premium features.
Click on Verify status in Figma
Provide the following info:
Are you a student, educator, or administrator? Educator
What type of institution do you attend or work for? Bootcamp or Online Program
Why are you applying for a free Figma Education plan? Describe that you need Figma's Education version to learn UX/UI.
What is your school's name? School not listed
School not listed: ReDI School of Digital Integration gGmbH
Expected graduation date: June 2025
Figma is the primary tool for UX/UI design. It allows you to create prototypes, wireframes, design plans, and more. Through ReDI, you can access ReDI's Figma Space, which contains the benefits of a Pro Account.
Templates: You find templates within this space. Feel free to use them!
Create a Copy: Ask students to create a copy and rename the files after themselves! Let's not work on the templates directly.
Click on Verify status in Figma
Provide the following info:
Are you a student, educator, or administrator? Educator
What type of institution do you attend or work for? Bootcamp or Online Program
Why are you applying for a free Figma Education plan? Describe that you need Figma's Education version to learn UX/UI.
What is your school's name? School not listed
School not listed: ReDI School of Digital Integration gGmbH
Expected graduation date: June 2025
Open the Email with the Slack invitation from ReDI. .
to your Laptop (and or mobile phone).
Watch video (5min)
Click on this link to join ReDI's Figma Space:
What is your school's website?
Please upload a copy of your bootcamp receipt or course confirmation (upload ).
URL of the course you are taking:
Please complete all steps before going to the next section of the self-onboarding. If you face any issues, please reach out to the ReDI team via E-Mail or Slack. Once you are done, let's dive into the .
Click on this link to join ReDI's Figma Space:
What is your school's website?
Please upload a copy of your bootcamp receipt or course confirmation (upload ).
URL of the course you are taking:
Link: The link to your Course Sheet is pinned in Slack.
Course Management: We use the Course Sheet to organize the course.
Availability & Ownership: Volunteers assign themselves to the session. They show when they are available to teach.
Feedback: The coursesheet has a feedback tab where we collect feedback about the session.
Mark it in the Course Sheet so that others can see it!
Zoom? It is our video conferencing tool for the classes.
Zoom Link: You find it pinned in Slack. The Zoom link is the same for the whole semester.
Use the App: Install the Zoom app for all functionality.
Recordings: We record the session. More: Recordings
Claim Host: Credentials are pinned in Slack. How to Join Zoom & Claim Host
Join early? The Zoom call opens 45 min ahead of time. Feel free to join early.
Find the link to the class meeting either in your calendar invite for the session or pinned in the teachers slack channel. Join with one click
Go to the participants list and “Claim host”. Sign in with the host key to become the host. You can find the host key (a series of 6 numbers) pinned in the teacher Slack channel.
Please make your co-teachers for the sessions co-hosts by right-clicking on their name from the participants list.
Please do not forget to record the class. We record only Input and Q&A Sessions.
Recordings automatically save into a drive students have access to as viewers. This Drive is pinned to the students slack channel. Recordings are available for whole semester. Break out rooms cannot be recorded.
When starting the meeting, audio is off, your video is off and recording is off.
Hosts are allowed to add co-hosts.
Possibility to send files via meeting chat.
Link: The link to your classroom is pinned in Slack.
Purpose: We use Google Classroom as our learning platform. We use it for two functions: Sharing material with the students and reviewing projects. You can also use it to create material.
Google Drive: Your Google Classroom is connected to a Google Drive where material is stored.
Calendar: Students are invited to the sessions through the calendar from the classroom
Go to Classwork. Go to Create. Select material to upload material, which is shared with the students. Select Topic to create a new section that can hold multiple materials.
Draft function: drafts are only visible to teachers - not to the students (yet). You can already work on material before sharing it with students. In order to share it, you publish the material.
Go to the Grades section. You find all the students; you can see who turned in the homework. Once you click on it, you can review their work, write a comment, and return it.
You should have received an email invitation from ReDI. Please check your emails and spam folder. Otherwise, please get in touch with the ReDI team via Slack.
Our UX/UI Bootcamp is project-based - students learn by working on hands-on projects. Each project is broken into weekly milestones.
Our core teaching materials are hosted in our GitHub repository:
Contains all course projects. Includes weekly milestones.
Contains slide decks to complement the teaching
Figma Files
Figma is the primary tool for UX/UI design. We store templates for the classes in our Figma Space.
Student Hub
Student-facing documentation, tutorials, and concept explanations. Students use this as their main reference.
If you taught in the past semester at ReDI, you might have existing material you would like to reuse. That is fantastic! Let's update the repository for this course with your material. Please add the content in the repo in the right milestone. If you have Google Slides, please link them to the lesson or teacher guide files. You can also reach out to Julian on Slack or via email (julian@redi-school.org) for further questions on how to add or use prior material.
Regular Class
Practice Session with Q&A
The practice session with Q&A aims to go through a practical example of the concepts taught in the previous regular class.
Coaching Session
No teaching is needed. Focused on reviewing student work and providing feedback.
Reviewing the milestoneREADME.md
t helps to understand what the milestone contains students are working on.
We are aware that the material is not perfect. That's why we aim to constantly improve it. Please help us to improve it further! If something is unclear or missing - feel free to add it! If you believe a practical example is needed in the slide decks or a template in Figma is missing, feel free to add it! As the session owner, you can teach the session as you like. You don't need to stick to cover the whole slide deck and go through all the slides. Thanks for further improving the content - like this the UX/UI bootcamp grows stronger from semester to semester.
We use Google Classroom to share material with the students. Please have a look here:
If you find good material, ReDI could use, and if you have feedback or further ideas, feel free to contact Julian via Slack or email (julian@redi-school.org).
- The slide decks help to cover the main content. They are very extensive. They are meant to give a base the session owner can rely on.
templates - The templates help to make the class more practical and interactive.
- Further explanations and resources shared directly with students
can help to recap the concepts
templates can help run the practical example.
Leads small group sessions, providing feedback on student milestone presentations
Leads regular classes, introduces new concepts and project milestones
Manages Zoom logistics and supports students during classes
Provides emergency coverage when regular teachers are unavailable
Leads practice sessions, helping students apply concepts through exercises
As a session owner, you lead the weekly Regular Class, introducing key concepts and guiding students through exercises. You can use prepared materials. However, you have the freedom to adapt them to your teaching style.
Review previous class feedback in Slack
Review milestone of the week and material (Course Content)
Test exercises
Coordinate with the teaching assistant
Add material to Google Classroom (24h before) (how to use Google Classroom")
Join as co-host (5 min early)
Previous content recap (10 min)
Introduce key concepts with live coding and or exercises (45 min)
Hands-on practice (45 min)
Introduce next milestone (10 min)
Head over to the: Course Content
Focus on core concepts introduction
Point students to additional resources for deeper learning
Use recap weeks to cover missed content
Direct students to Q&A/support sessions for extra help
The "I Do, We Do, You Do" method is a teaching method designed to help students learn new concepts by first observing, then practicing with guidance, and finally working independently.
I Do: The teacher demonstrates the task while explaining the steps and thought process aloud. This stage is about modeling the correct way to approach the task and highlighting key concepts and techniques.
We Do: The session owner walks the students through an activity. The students follow along (code or design along). This collaborative stage allows students to apply what they've seen with support, ask questions, and receive immediate feedback.
You Do: Students work independently on the task. This stage allows them to practice the skill on their own.
Example: Introducing Javascript
I Do: The teacher introduces JavaScript and demonstrates a simple script that shows an alert when clicking a button. Key concepts like variables, functions, and events are explained briefly.
We Do: The teacher walks the students through creating a function that changes a heading's color when clicking a button. The students follow and code along. The teacher shares their screen and gives the students time to code along. Together, the teacher and the students write the function, select the element, and add an event listener, with the teacher guiding and asking questions to engage students.
You Do: Students independently write JavaScript to change the text of a paragraph when a button is clicked in a breakout room. They practice using variables, functions, and event listeners and then share their work for feedback.
Context before content - We experienced that explaining why a concept is important helps a lot in understanding what the concept is about. Why should you learn this concept? Try to give the context. Maybe explain where you use it in your daily work life. Or explain how this concept can help to solve a bigger problem
Engage with Students: Ask questions to check understanding. Use their names and keep the tone friendly and encouraging.
Be Prepared but Flexible: Have a plan but adapt based on student needs.
Feedback is Key: Provide constructive feedback to help students improve. Celebrate small wins to keep motivation high.
Watch this video on how to run the Regular Class.
Ice Breakers and Energizers - Do you want to start the session with an energizer? Have a look at Class Engagement
As Practice Session Owner, you lead a 2-hour weekly session where students practice concepts from the previous class and get help with their weekly milestone. The focus is on hands-on exercises and clarifying questions.
Review concepts from the previous class
Prepare practice exercises
Review weekly milestone requirements
Start Zoom session (5 min early)
Claim host and start recording
Guide students through practice exercises
Address questions about concepts and milestone
Document key points covered in Slack afterward
Balance exercise time with Q&A
Use breakout rooms for group practice
Provide additional examples when needed
Head over to Course Content
❤️ Thank you for helping the students progress ❤️
Students present their weekly milestone solutions in small groups (4-5 students), receiving feedback and support from coaches.
When: Wednesdays, 19:00 - 21:00
Where: Zoom (link in Slack)
Format: Breakout rooms with one coach per group
Who: The Coaches run the Coaching Sessions. Read the instructions for the Coach.
Welcome and breakout room setup
Student presentations (15 minutes each)
Break halfway through
Remaining presentations
Extra time for additional support if needed
5 minutes: Project presentation
10 minutes: Feedback and support
For the last session of each project, students present their complete project instead of weekly milestones..
Backup teachers provide emergency coverage when teachers cannot attend class. No session attendance is required unless called upon.
Absent teacher posts in #teachers Slack channel and tags @backup teacher
Backup teacher confirms availability
Role assignment:
If assistant is absent: Backup becomes assistant
If lead is absent: Assistant becomes lead, backup becomes assistant
As a session assistant, you provide technical and administrative support during Regular Classes. You open the Zoom call, track attendance, help answer questions, and provide support in break-out rooms.
Technical setup and support
Student attendance tracking
Question moderation
Breakout room management
Before Class:
Coordinate with the session owner
Review class content
During Class:
Join Zoom Call (link pinned in Slack and Google Calendar)
Claim the host (host key pinned in Slack)
Make the Session Owner co-host on Zoom (safety measure)
Start cloud recording
Monitor student questions
Support breakout activities
Track attendance
After Class:
Share feedback on the class and student engagement in the Slack handover bot for team visibility
All essential links (attendance tracker, Zoom) are pinned in Slack.
A coach supports 4-5 students in the Coaching session, providing feedback and guidance on project milestones. During these 2-hour sessions, students present their work and receive personalized support in small groups.
Before Session:
Review the week's project milestone and expected deliverables
Check the Students & Project Milestones tracker in the Course Sheet
During Session (2 hours):
Join Zoom 5 minutes early and claim the host
Create breakout rooms for student groups
Per student: 5 minutes presentation + 10 minutes feedback/support
Track progress in the Course Sheet
After the Session:
Complete handover in Course Sheet, "Students Progress" tab
Stay Positive: Balance constructive criticism with praise
Be Hands-on: In the 10 min feedback/support part after every presentation, we can give feedback on what to improve or use pair programming for direct code assistance.
Guide Don't Solve: Provide improvement suggestions while encouraging independent problem-solving
Students may use AI tools to support learning but must demonstrate understanding. If a student appears to rely too heavily on AI:
Ask them to explain their code's reasoning
Remind them AI should enhance, not replace, learning
Document concerns in student feedback for future coaches
Session guidelines available in Gitbook
Core Sheet for tracking progress
Coaching slides for session structure
❤️ Thank you for supporting the students' progress ❤️
Our UX/UI Bootcamp is project-based - students learn by working on hands-on projects. Each project is broken into weekly milestones.
Thursday: Introduce new concepts and the next milestone
Thursday - Wednesday: Students work on their milestone
Monday: Practice session with Q&A
Wednesday: Students present their milestones in the Coaching Session
Our core teaching materials are hosted in our GitHub repository:
Contains all course projects. Includes weekly milestones.
Contains slide decks to complement the teaching
Figma Files
Figma is the primary tool for UX/UI design. We store templates for the classes in our Figma Space.
Student Hub
Student-facing documentation, tutorials, and concept explanations. Students use this as their main reference.
Regular Class
Practice Session with Q&A
The practice session with Q&A aims to go through a practical example of the concepts taught in the previous regular class.
Coaching Session
No teaching is needed. Focused on reviewing student work and providing feedback.
Reviewing the milestoneREADME.md
t helps to understand what the milestone contains students are working on.
GitHub: You can find the projects in our GitHub Repo. Are the milestones clear for you?
Drive: Do you find the slide decks in the Drive?
Figma: Are you able to access the Figma templates?
Student Hub: The student hub is the "knowledge base" for the students where they find extra resources about the concepts being covered in the course. It is currently under construction. We will share it with you soon!
We are aware that the material is not perfect. That's why we aim to constantly improve it. Please help us to improve it further! If something is unclear or missing - feel free to add it! If you believe a practical example is needed in the slide decks or a template in Figma is missing, feel free to add it! As the session owner, you can teach the session as you like. You don't need to stick to cover the whole slide deck and go through all the slides. Thanks for further improving the content - like this the UX/UI bootcamp grows stronger from semester to semester.
We share several best practices in the Course Content section. For example, the concept of "How little is enough?" or the "I Do, We Do, You Do" methodology. In the end, it is your decision how you want to teach it. We recommend to browse through the concepts before teaching a session: Course Content.
That was a lot of content! Thanks for staying with us. Let's complete the self-onboarding now: Complete your Self-Onboarding.
Students practice concepts from the previous class and get answers to their questions about projects and course content.
When: Mondays, 19:00 - 21:00
Where: Zoom (link in Slack)
Format: Guided practice and Q&A
Practice exercises on recent concepts
Address questions
Project support as needed
Practice Session Owner: Leads exercises and answers questions
Students: Participate in practice and ask questions
Weekly class where students learn new concepts and get introduced to their next project milestone.
When: Thursdays, 19:00 - 21:00
Where: Zoom (link in Slack)
Review previous content
Introduce weekly milestone
Present new concepts
Guided practice ("We Do")
Group practice in breakout rooms ("You Do")
- The slide decks help to cover the main content. They are very extensive. They are meant to give a base the session owner can rely on.
templates - The templates help to make the class more practical and interactive.
- Further explanations and resources shared directly with students
can help to recap the concepts
templates can help run the practical example.
Team: leads session, supports.
Team: leads the session and supports
We provide additional tools that you can use to engage students more in your sessions! At ReDI, we like to use the following tools and icebreakers:
Create live polls, word clouds, and Q&A
Perfect for:
Icebreakers: Ask students about their expectations or background knowledge.
Quick polls: Check understanding of a topic in real-time.
Exit tickets: Gather feedback at the end of a session.
Login credentials in teachers' Slack channel
Quiz-based learning with competitive elements
Perfect for Revision & Recaps - You create a quiz, and students participate live in class via browser or cell phone.
Login credentials in teachers' Slack channel
You can use quick icebreakers at the start of your sessions to energize participants, build connections, and create an engaging and interactive learning environment. Here is a list of icebreakers. They shouldn't take more than 5 minutes to run.
Description: Participants share three statements about themselves—two true and one false. The group has to guess which one is the lie.
How to Run: Use breakout rooms for smaller groups or let everyone participate in the main room.
Objective: Participants get to know each other in a fun way.
Description: Give participants a list of items to find in their home within 1-2 minutes (e.g., something red, something that makes noise).
How to Run: Ask them to bring the items back to the camera and share a quick story about one of them.
Objective: The activity is an energizer.
Description: Pose a question or statement (e.g., "How are you feeling about today’s session?") and ask participants to respond using emojis only.
How to Run: Use the chat in Zoom.
Objective: It is an easy way for participants to share how they are doing.
Link: Attendance Tracker
Who: The teaching assistant tracks attendance
When: Every regular class (usually 20 minutes into the session)
Access: Credentials are pinned in your teaching teams' Slack channel
We ask learners to join at least 80% of the sessions to obtain a certificate. We believe students can only learn if they attend. That's why attendance tracking is essential. ReDI follows up regularly with students with low attendance to offer support.
100% – Present: Arrive on time, actively participate, and keep the camera on.
50% – Excused: Notify in advance if unable to attend
50% – Late: Arrival more than 15 minutes late
50% – Early Leave: Leaving before the break
0% – Absent: No prior communication of absence
Students will only be marked as "present", if they join the class with their camera on.
If a student should experience internet connection problems during the class, they should either write it in the chat or unmute themselves to inform teachers and fellow students. If this is not possible, students should inform the class through a message in their students slack channel.