📝Application Process

Application processes for internships or junior jobs usually consist of several steps: they will usually start with a phone or email conversation and then through the following rounds, though not necessarily in this order:

  1. Application

  2. Pass the Introduction Meeting / Interview

  3. Case Study / Technical Assignment

  4. Technical Interview

  5. Management Interview

  6. Salary Negotiation

Some companies merge these interviews together, while others might split them over multiple interviews. While it can be daunting to approach an interview process when you don’t quite know what to expect, luckily there are ways to be prepared.

Research, practice and preparation will give you a meaningful chance of success, and more importantly, the freedom to give the interview process your best effort.

Pro Tip: Build confidence through Mr. Simon's mock interview with common questions from real job interviews!

How to Prepare a Professional Job Application 👩‍🍳

  1. Find out as much as you can about the company and position 📔 Go to their website and read all sections, check all of their social media including LinkedIn, YouTube and others, look for them on google (this might take you to some interesting 3rd party articles). Look specially for those pages that explain the company’s vision, mission and values. These usually describe the way the company works and is crucial you can prove during the interview that you are a good fit there. Check this example about ING bank. Also, analyse the specific job description to understand the required skills, responsibilities, and qualifications. If you’re still unclear about the why and how of researching a company, take a look at the ‘How to Research a Company’ video by Natalie Fisher.

  2. Focus on quantifying your achievements in your resume 🥗 Highlight your relevant web development experience, projects, and skills. Use keywords from the job description, but do not overpack the CV with keywords. In order to stand out, rather than just listing duties, focus on your achievements and make sure your resume tells your story. Use metrics where possible (e.g., “Improved page load time by 30%”). Finally, use a clean, professional format. Ensure it’s easy to read and error-free. Make sure your CV is not longer then 2 pages, being able to write a clean and concise CV and choose relevant information is a skill that recruiters are looking for. Make sure your resume is well structured as a messy resume gives an impression that, for example, your code won't be structured. Same goes regarding the attention to detail, if you can't find the 'bug' in your own resume, recruiters might doubt you will be able to do so in a professional environment.

  3. Write a customised cover letter 🍳 addressing the hiring manager by name if possible. Mention the specific position and company name. Start with a strong opening that captures attention and explain why you’re interested in the position and how your skills and experiences make you a perfect fit. Show that you understand the company’s goals and how you can contribute to them. End with a strong closing statement, expressing your eagerness for an interview and thanking them for their consideration.

  4. Craft your application email 🧁 Briefly introduce yourself and state the purpose of the email. When it comes to documents, please make sure they are all in a pdf format otherwise the formatting might change depending on the ATS/program and it will just look messy. Of course, showcase your portfolio, include links to projects that are most relevant to the job you’re applying for. Mention the attached resume, cover letter, and any additional documents and don't forget to provide contact details. Ensure all documents you send are clear, concise, and free of unnecessary jargon.

Pro Tip 🤘 Here some golden advice for resume writing

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