Working with the Browser
What is a web browser?
You probably use it daily. Let's take a closer look at what it actually is.
A web browser
is software that allows you to view webpages, either retrieved from the internet or loaded from your computer. The primary function of a web browser is to render HTML files: transforming all the code (HTML, CSS and JavaScript) as well as the references (images, videos, etc.) to display a page correctly.
For further study, delve into the following:
Choosing the right browser
As a web developer you will write code that will display in different browsers. As such it is important that you get familiar with most major browsers in use today. These are:
Microsoft Edge (Not available for Mac/Linux yet)
In your ReDI journey you'll mainly be using Google Chrome when developing, as is has great developer tools that allow us to develop web applications in an easier and clearer way.
How to use the browser inspector
The inspector is a part of web browsers developers can use to take a closer look at the composition of the HTML elements. This makes it easier to write HTML and CSS code that works.
Watch the following videos and follow along:
Useful browser extensions
As web developers we'll be dealing with the browser all the time. Why not upgrade our browser so it can make our programming life easier?
A browser extension
is a piece of software someone has written to increase the capability of the web browser. For example, if you hate receiving advertisements you probably use something like Adblock to block all the unwanted ads you might find in your webpages (if not, download it as soon as possible!).
The following is a list of extensions that have proven to be useful during web development. This list only applies for Google Chrome, so if you don't have it, install it.
Modify the technologies underlying each website, in real time, using Web developer
Expose what technologies a website is using with WhatRuns
If you ever wanted to know the exact color of any element in a page, you can now do so with ColorZilla
There are many more of these extensions and we encourage you to explore. See what fits your needs!
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