Skill Development Roadmap Template (Github)

This table format provides you with a structured approach to plan and monitor your skill development over time, helping you to stay focused and organised as you work towards your career goals. Please note it is just a template and combines examples for both the UX/UI and the Full-stack Bootcamp.



Specific Skills to Develop


Progress Tracking

Short-Term (0-3 months)

  1. Master basics of HTML, CSS, JavaScript

  2. Learn basic UX/UI design principles and tools

  3. Build a personal website

HTML, CSS, JavaScript, UX/UI design principles, Figma, Sketch

  • Complete online courses/tutorials

  • Follow guided projects

  • Practice with small projects

[ ] HTML basics completed [ ] CSS basics completed [ ] JavaScript basics completed [ ] Personal website launched

Medium-Term (3-6 months)

  1. Learn a frontend framework like React

  2. Deepen understanding of user research methods and prototyping

  3. Work on more complex projects

React, advanced UX/UI design, user research methods, prototyping

  • Enroll in React courses

  • Conduct user research for a project

  • Participate in open-source projects or freelancing

[ ] React course completed [ ] User research methods learned [ ] Complex project started

Long-Term (6-12 months)

  1. Gain proficiency in backend development basics (Node.js, databases)

  2. Advanced UI animations

  3. Build a comprehensive portfolio

Node.js, databases, UI animations, portfolio development

  • Take backend development courses

  • Work on projects involving UI animations

  • Refine a professional portfolio

[ ] Node.js basics learned [ ] Database basics learned [ ] UI animation project completed [ ] Portfolio updated and refined

Notes for Each Section

Short-Term (0-3 months)

  • Goals: Outline specific, achievable goals for the next 3 months.

  • Specific Skills to Develop: List the skills to focus on in this period.

  • Resources/Actions: Provide details on the courses, tutorials, projects, and other resources to use.

  • Progress Tracking: Track progress for each skill or project with checkboxes or notes.

Medium-Term (3-6 months)

  • Goals: Set more advanced goals for the next 3-6 months.

  • Specific Skills to Develop: Include intermediate skills and more complex tools or methods.

  • Resources/Actions: Identify specific actions such as enrolling in courses, conducting user research, or participating in real-world projects.

  • Progress Tracking: Monitor progress towards achieving the medium-term goals.

Long-Term (6-12 months)

  • Goals: Define long-term goals to achieve within a year.

  • Specific Skills to Develop: Focus on advanced skills and broader experiences.

  • Resources/Actions: Outline the necessary steps to take, such as advanced courses, building a professional portfolio, and completing significant projects.

  • Progress Tracking: Keep track of accomplishments and remaining tasks to reach long-term objectives.

Last updated