Skills Mapping Exercise (Gitbook)

This template that helps you systematically identify the job requirements and categorize the skills related to the career you aspire towards. Combining this with the self-assessment exercises, provides you with a clear overview of where you stand and what areas need development for the future.

Please fill in the details by including 3 different job positions you aspire to. We suggest you regularly update the template as you progress in your learning journey after the course.

Skill Mapping Template for UX/UI and Web Development Positions

1. Identify Job Profiles and Requirements

Job Profile Research:

Job TitleCompanySource (Job Board/Company Website)Key ResponsibilitiesRequired SkillsPreferred Skills/Qualifications

Example: Junior UX Designer

Company A


Conduct user research, create wireframes and prototypes

User research, wireframing, prototyping, Figma

HTML/CSS, JavaScript, user testing experience

Networking and Industry Insights:

Professional ContactJob TitleCompanyKey Insights/AdviceSkills Emphasized

Jane Doe

Senior UX Designer

Company B

Emphasize user research and prototyping; learn Figma and Sketch

User research, Figma, Sketch

Company Website Review:

CompanyDesired PositionKey RequirementsPreferred Skills/Qualifications

Company C

Web Developer

Strong HTML/CSS/JavaScript skills, experience with React

Backend development, Node.js, teamwork

2. Categorize the Skills

Technical Skills:

Skill CategorySpecific Skills/ToolsCurrent Proficiency (Beginner/Intermediate/Advanced)Notes

Frontend Development

HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React


Need to practice more with advanced CSS and JavaScript

UX Design

User research, wireframing, prototyping, Figma, Sketch


Focus on learning Figma and Sketch tools

Backend Development

Node.js, databases


Plan to start learning after mastering frontend skills

Testing and Debugging

Unit testing, debugging tools


Improve debugging skills

Soft Skills:

Skill CategorySpecific SkillsCurrent Proficiency (Beginner/Intermediate/Advanced)Notes


Verbal and written communication


Practice writing clear and concise project reports


Collaboration, team projects


Join group projects or hackathons to enhance teamwork skills


Analytical thinking, troubleshooting


Work on more complex projects to improve problem-solving abilities

Experience and Projects:

Project/ExperienceRoleKey Skills DevelopedOutcome/Deliverables

Personal Portfolio Website


HTML, CSS, JavaScript, web design

Completed and live portfolio site

Bootcamp Final Project

Team Lead

Project management, collaboration, full-stack development

Successfully deployed a full-stack application

Freelance Work

UX/UI Designer

User research, prototyping, client communication

Designed and delivered client-approved website

Last updated