✏️Exercise: Create your Personal Career Roadmap (Github)

Goal of this exercise and steps

Here are the steps for you to take to create a clear roadmap for post-bootcamp skill development. Each section has its own template for you to carry out the exercise!

  1. Identify Job Profiles & Requirements, Categorise the Skills Needed: as you are new in the web development field, we recommend you understand for yourself what career you'd like to go towards, in which conditions you'd like to work and map out the skills you need for a job profile you are interested in.

  2. Assess Current Skill Level: identify which skills you already have and which you might want to develop to get to the job position you aspire to.

  3. Set Specific Goals and Create a Learning Plan: Create a clear learning roadmap for post-bootcamp skill development for further professional growth.

1. Identify Job Profiles & Requirements, Categorise the Skills Needed

  • Research Job Listings: gather and analyse at least 3 job listings for the roles you are interested in. You should look for common requirements and skills listed in these postings.

  • Talk to Industry Professionals: do some extra research and/or network with professionals in your desired field. Informational interviews or conversations over chat, together with forum search can provide insight into the skills and experiences valued in the industry. For this, you can use mentoring NGO platforms where you can reach out other professionals:

  • Review Company Websites: look at the career sections of companies you aspire to work for to understand their specific requirements and preferred qualifications. To find companies you consider applying to you can research fields/branches that you want to work in. Resources:

Resource: Template for Skills Mapping

2. Assess Current Skill Level

  • Self-Assessment: Evaluate your current skill levels in various areas.

  • Feedback from Instructors: Instructors can provide a realistic assessment of the student's strengths and weaknesses.

  • Peer Review: Peer feedback can also be valuable in understanding areas that need improvement.

Resource: Template for Technical Skills Self-Assessment

3. Set Specific Goals and Create a Learning Plan!

We encourage you to divide your plan as follows:

  • Short-Term Goals: Skills to develop within 0-3 months.

  • Medium-Term Goals: Skills to develop within 3-6 months.

  • Long-Term Goals: Skills and experiences to acquire over 6-12 months.

The Learning Plan Can Include:

  • online courses, tutorials, and bootcamps that can help fill the skill gaps

  • relevant books and articles on the topics of desire

  • you can work on projects as you learn those skills, and include them in your portfolio

  • Pro-tip: participate in relevant online communities or local meetups to enrich your opportunities related to your learning plan!

For effective work with your learning plan, we recommend to:

  1. Track your progress

  2. Review regularly your progress (weekly or biweekly)

  3. Seek feedback from peers

  4. Adjust your plan (durations, priorities, goals) based on your progress

Resource: Skills Development Plan Template

Last updated