Course Content
Last updated
Last updated
Welcome to the teaching team! Here's where you can find all the materials you'll need to teach in this course. Your feedback and contribution are highly appreciated to improve the content further.
Colab Files
We work with Notebook files in the IDE Google Colab. You can find the colabs in Drive.
Slides can be used to visualize concepts. You find prior slides decks in the drive.
Homework Colabs
You can find Homework colabs in the drive. However, not every week might have homework yet! In that case, browse the archive and further resources or create a new homework colab.
Student Hub
The student hub helps students navigate the course. We aim to structure the hub as a knowledge base, meaning that concepts of the course are explained in the hub.
If you taught in the past semester at ReDI, you might have existing material you would like to reuse. That is fantastic! Please add the content to the drive. You can also reach out to Julian on Slack or via email ( for further questions on how to add or use prior material.
We are aware that the material is not perfect. Probably you would like to change and improve it! Please do so! As the session owner, you can structure the session as you wish. The existing material is a suggestion. By changing the material, you help us improve the content. Here is an explanation of how to change it:
Google Drive - Add or change material on Google Drive - To access Google Drive content, you need to be enrolled in the Google Classroom. If you are not, ask your Course Manager.
Gitbook - Your changes are also highly welcome in the Student Hub Gitbook. Get editor access to Gitbook to make changes to the student hub. Please ask your course manager about it.
We use Google Classroom to share material with the students. Please have a look here:
If you find good material, ReDI could use, and if you have feedback or further ideas, feel free to contact Julian via Slack or email (