Course Content
Welcome to the teaching team! Here's where you can find all the materials you'll need to teach the Full Stack Bootcamp. Your feedback and contribution are highly appreciated to improve the content further.
Key Resources
Contains all course projects. Includes weekly milestones.
In the GitHub repo, you find in every milestone folder a
for each week. It contains guidelines on how to teach the session.
Teacher Guide
In the GitHub repo, you find in every milestone folder a
for each week. It contains guidelines on how to run the Practice Session on Mondays.
Student Hub
Student-facing documentation, tutorials, and concept explanations. Students use this as their main reference.
Further Material
Slide decks from previous semesters.
Further material
There is a wealth of material from prior location-based courses. We aim to incorporate more material from the prior ReDI courses.
Berlin GitHub Repo - Great Material from a long-standing React course. Slide decks, Exercises, and explanations of concepts.
Feel free to browse through the following material and reuse it! If you use it, please add it to our course GitHub repository.
Overview by Session
Regular Class -
It contains a suggested plan to structure the session. It explains which concepts to cover and how we could introduce them.At the end of each Regular Class, we introduce the students to the next milestone (what students work on until next Wednesday). Milestone
outlines the next project milestone.Additional Resources - Previous semester materials, including slide decks and exercises
Student Hub - Further explanations and resources shared directly with students
Practice Session with Q&A
- Guidance for practice activities and handling student questions
Coaching Session
No teaching is needed. Focused on reviewing student work and providing feedback.
Reviewing the milestone
t helps to understand what the milestone contains students are working on.
Prior Material?
If you taught in the past semester at ReDI, you might have existing material you would like to reuse. That is fantastic! Please add the content to GitHub in the right milestone. If you have Google Slides, please link them to the lesson or teacher guide files. You can also reach out to Julian on Slack or via email ( for further questions on how to add or use prior material.
How do I update material?
We are aware that the material is not perfect. Probably you would like to change and improve it! Please do so! As the session owner, you can structure the session as you wish. The existing material is a suggestion. By changing the material, you help us improve the content. Here is an explanation of how to change it:
GitHub - Request access to the GitHub repository through your course manager. You can merge your changes in the repoβno pr review is required.
Google Drive - Add or change material on Google Drive - To access Google Drive content, you need to be enrolled in the Google Classroom. If you are not, ask your Course Manager.
Gitbook - Your changes are also highly welcome in the Student Hub Gitbook. Get editor access to Gitbook to make changes to the student hub. Please ask your course manager about it.
How do I create more engagement in class?
Best practices for teaching?
The Concept behind our Course
More material, feedback or ideas?
If you find good material, ReDI could use, and if you have feedback or further ideas, feel free to contact Julian via Slack or email (
Last updated