Attendance Tracker
Attendance Tracker
Link: Attendance Tracker
Who: The teaching assistant tracks attendance
When: Every regular class (usually 20 minutes into the session)
Access: Credentials are pinned in your teaching teams' Slack channel
Why track attendance?
We ask learners to join at least 80% of the sessions to obtain a certificate. We believe students can only learn if they attend. That's why attendance tracking is essential. ReDI follows up regularly with students with low attendance to offer support.
Attendance Status per Session
100% – Present: Arrive on time, actively participate, and keep the camera on.
50% – Excused: Notify in advance if unable to attend
50% – Late: Arrival more than 15 minutes late
50% – Early Leave: Leaving before the break
0% – Absent: No prior communication of absence
Camera on Policy
Students will only be marked as "present", if they join the class with their camera on.
If a student should experience internet connection problems during the class, they should either write it in the chat or unmute themselves to inform teachers and fellow students. If this is not possible, students should inform the class through a message in their students slack channel.
How to track Attendance?
Last updated