Last updated
Last updated
Zoom? It is our video conferencing tool for the classes.
Zoom Link: You find it pinned in Slack. The Zoom link is the same for the whole semester.
Use the App: Install the Zoom app for all functionality.
Recordings: We record the session. More: Recordings
Claim Host: Credentials are pinned in Slack. How to Join Zoom & Claim Host
Join early? The Zoom call opens 45 min ahead of time. Feel free to join early.
Find the link to the class meeting either in your calendar invite for the session or pinned in the teachers slack channel. Join with one click
Go to the participants list and “Claim host”. Sign in with the host key to become the host. You can find the host key (a series of 6 numbers) pinned in the teacher Slack channel.
Please make your co-teachers for the sessions co-hosts by right-clicking on their name from the participants list.
Please do not forget to record the class. We record only Input and Q&A Sessions.
Recordings automatically save into a drive students have access to as viewers. This Drive is pinned to the students slack channel. Recordings are available for whole semester. Break out rooms cannot be recorded.
When starting the meeting, audio is off, your video is off and recording is off.
Hosts are allowed to add co-hosts.
Possibility to send files via meeting chat.