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Last updated
Figma is the primary tool for UX/UI design. It allows you to create prototypes, wireframes, design plans, and more. Through ReDI, you can access ReDI's Figma Space, which contains the benefits of a Pro Account.
Workspace: ReDI Figma Space
Templates: You find templates within this space. Feel free to use them!
Create a Copy: Ask students to create a copy and rename the files after themselves! Let's not work on the templates directly.
Click on this link to join ReDI's Figma Space: Join ReDI's Figma Space
Click on Verify status in Figma
Provide the following info:
Are you a student, educator, or administrator? Educator
What type of institution do you attend or work for? Bootcamp or Online Program
Why are you applying for a free Figma Education plan? Describe that you need Figma's Education version to learn UX/UI.
What is your school's name? School not listed
School not listed: ReDI School of Digital Integration gGmbH
What is your school's website?
Please upload a copy of your bootcamp receipt or course confirmation (upload this course outline).
URL of the course you are taking:
Expected graduation date: June 2025